Ron Comfort


Ron Comfort was born in a Roman Catholic home in Elmira, New York. From the ages of seven to fifteen he sang on radio, television, stage, and in small nightclubs. At the age of fifteen, in a city-wide crusade in Asheville, North Carolina, he was saved and immediately felt God’s call to preach.

After working to pay his own way through seven years at Bob Jones Academy and University, Ron graduated and immediately entered full-time evangelism. He has continued in this ministry since 1961, having preached in forty-nine states and many foreign countries. The total number of crusades is well over 1,600.

Evangelist Comfort was honored in 1973 by Maranatha Baptist Bible College with the degree Doctor of Divinity. That same year he was honored by the Bob Jones University Alumni Association for “Outstanding Work in the Field of Evangelism.”

Dr. and Mrs. Comfort have been married since 1963. God has blessed their home with three daughters and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Comfort serves in the team’s music ministry in both piano and vocal music. She also works in the children’s meetings and serves as team secretary.


Sermon CDs

1. Is the Bible the Word of God? $5.00
2. The Rich Man in Hell $5.00
3. The Two Resurrections $5.00
4. The Holiness of God $5.00
5. The Deceiver $5.00
6. The Destroyer $5.00
7. Dearth and Death $4.00
8. The Deliverer $4.00
9. Four Crises of Youth $5.00
10. True Love $5.00
11. How to Know the Will of God $5.00
12. I Sing a New Song $5.00
13. How to Have a Happy Home $5.00
14. Reading Zacchaeus’ Mind $5.00
15. Why Trust Jesus Christ? $5.00
16. Repentance: True or False $5.00
17. Jonah $5.00
18. Evidences of a New Nature $5.00
19. History’s Greatest Revival $5.00
20. Isaiah’s Threefold Vision $5.00
21. The Raising of Lazarus $5.00
22. New Things $5.00
23. What Is Truth? $5.00
24. You Belong to God $5.00
25. The Nature of God $5.00
26. Practical Aspects of the Rapture $5.00
27. Imitators $5.00
28. How to Pray $5.00
29. Going Down $5.00
30. The Great White Throne Judgment $5.00
31. A Young Man’s Conversion $5.00
32. Daniel, the Teenage Square $5.00
33. The Woman Who Flirted with Jesus $5.00
34. Second Advent $5.00
35. Doctrine of Confession $5.00
36. Compassion $5.00
37. Paul’s Three Compelling Motivations $5.00
38. Saving Faith $5.00
39. The Church in Revelation $5.00
40. The Rapture $5.00
41. The Antichrist $5.00
42. Assurance $5.00
43. Ambassadors for Christ $5.00
44. What’s Ahead for America? $5.00
45. Fruits of Calvinism $5.00
46. History’s Greatest Imitator $5.00
47. Why Prayer Is Not Heard $5.00
48. The End of the World $5.00
49. The Unpardonable Sin $5.00
50. The Unpardonable Sin $5.00
51. Five Horsemen in the Book of Revelation $5.00
52. Let’s Build Revival Gates $5.00
53. Jesus, the Master Soulwinner $5.00
54. Heaven, the Perfect Place $5.00
55. Abraham’s Partial Obedience $5.00
56. The Devil’s Desire for You $5.00
57. The Judgment Seat of Christ $5.00
58. The Desirable Church $5.00
59. What Will You Do with Your Life? $5.00
60. The Sweetest Song Ever Sung $5.00
61. How to Deal with Sin $5.00
62. A Ticket to Heaven $5.00
63. The Famine Is Coming $5.00